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“O Tripeiro “, owned by Associação Comercial do Porto, is a magazine of cult and tradition, collectible, with a literary nature. “O Tripeiro” wants to keep the collective memory of our community.

Cultivating Porto’s identity, “O Tripeiro” reminds us of the Porto we were, so we can preserve it, shows us the Porto we are, so that we can feel it, and helps us to anticipate the Porto that we will be, so that we can prevent it.


And tries to pass on an idea of a Porto to build – a Porto that goes beyond the limits of the city itself in order to be the hub of central functions throughout the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.


Amongst everything else, it aims to contribute to the passing of cultural testimonies from generation to generation.


For further information please contact

Tel: 223 399 048 / Tel: 22 3399 052/


Check “Tripeiro” publications in portuguese, here